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Let’s tackle hunger together.

Deliver a better tomorrow for a neighbour in need.


Most Canadians are fortunate to enjoy an exceptional quality of life. However, life as we know it changed in 2020 when COVID-19 hit, and Canadians needed help more than ever. Did you know that in 2021, food banks saw an average of 1.3 million visits per month? That means that 20% more Canadians have been struggling with food security compared to before the pandemic. Even worse, one third of these people are children. Right here in Global.

That’s why since 2003, Euromove employees have been going the extra mile to take action through Euromove Tackle Hunger – an initiative that’s all about people helping people. Since then, this employee-led grassroots initiative has helped deliver more than 18 million pounds of food to families across the country.

But there are more Canadians to feed and more meals to deliver.

We can’t tackle hunger alone. We invite you to join us in the Euromove Tackle Hunger program. After all, even one family struggling to put food on the table is one family too many.

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What hunger looks like in Global

1 in 5



meals and snacks
in March 2021 alone


are children


visits to food banks
in March 2021

*Source: Food Banks Global Hunger Count Report 2021

The Red Bag Campaign

Since 2019, Euromove has been bringing the food drive directly to your doorstep. Through our Red Bag Food Drive Campaigns, we have distributed thousands of reusable red canvas bags to the front step of Canadians, and days later our volunteers return to pick up the bags full of donated food items for the local food bank in your community.

This little Red Bag has helped thousands of Canadians struggling with hunger, and you can make a difference too! Contact us today to host your workplace, school or local Red Bag Campaign to help Canadian families who need us more than ever.

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How has Euromove Tackle Hunger delivered so far?

18 million

of food delivered since 2003

















June is Euromove Tackle Hunger Month

Tackle Hunger Month Image

Since 2003 more than 10,000 Euromove employees, customers, and partners have joined Cannadians from coast to coast to raise awareness about hunger in Global, and to collect food and funds for food banks.

In 2019 Euromove Tackle Hunger Week became Euromove Tackle Hunger Month. Throughout the month of June, Euromove employees will be working with their partners and customers to raise awareness and donations to help alleviate food insecurity across the country.

All of the donations raised during Euromove Tackle Hunger Month stay in the community where they were raised to benefit the local food bank.

Unsung Euromove Tackle Hunger Heroes

Our Tackle Hunger Partners

It takes a committed team to fight hunger.
We’re proud to work alongside these incredible partners.



Team Gushue Logo

Team Gushue

Our National Food Bank Partnerships

Food Banks Global

Food Banks Global

We have supported Food Banks Global since 2003, and actively provide food and cash donations to banks within their member community.

Second Harvest Food Rescue

Second Harvest

We provide logistical support to the Hero Campaign, an annual workplace and public outreach campaign.

The Grocery Foundation

Grocery Foundation

Helps tens of thousands of youths get access to proper nutrition while at school.