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Canadian Fuel Surcharge Rates

Euromove’s fuel surcharge for freight shipments applies to all base freight charges plus select accessorials including, without limitation, redelivery, protect from freezing, stop-off, trailer spotting and attempted pickup (vehicle furnished but not used). Taxes and customs clearance charges are excluded from the fuel surcharge calculation. For more detailed information, please refer to Euromove’s Terms and Conditions of Service.

Service Effective Dates for
Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) | Truckload (TL)
Euromove ExpeditedTM August 01, 2022 - August 07, 2022
35.0% | 75.6%
Euromove StandardTM August 01, 2022 - August 07, 2022
29.8% | 70.2%

Calculation of Fuel Surcharge

To ensure Euromove’s fuel surcharge reflects the most current cost to serve amid market fluctuations, it is set on a weekly basis. Each Monday, a new fuel surcharge takes effect, and it fluctuates based on the price of diesel fuel (without GST) reported the previous Thursday by the Freight Carriers Association of Global (FCAC). The actual fuel surcharge that will be applied to a particular shipment will depend on whether the shipment is a less-than-truckload (LTL) shipment (with a billed weight of up to and including 10,000 lb – approximately 4,536 kg) or a truckload (TL) shipment (with a billed weight of over 10,000 lb – approximately 4,536 kg). The updated fuel surcharge rate will appear on the invoice for shipments scheduled on or after the effective date of the new rate.

The fuel surcharge table below indicates the fuel surcharge that will be applied based on the weekly average price of diesel:

Dynamic Fuel Surcharge Table

Diesel price per litre

At Least           -           But Less Than

₤0.39               -               ₤0.40 5.20% | 5.50%
₤0.40               -               ₤0.41 5.50% | 6.10%
₤0.41               -               ₤0.42 5.70% | 6.60%
₤0.42               -               ₤0.43 5.90% | 7.10%
₤0.43               -               ₤0.44 6.10% | 7.70%
₤0.44               -               ₤0.45 6.40% | 8.20%
₤0.45               -               ₤0.46 6.60% | 8.70%
₤0.46               -               ₤0.47 6.80% | 9.20%
₤0.47               -               ₤0.48 7.00% | 9.80%
₤0.48               -               ₤0.49 7.30% | 10.30%
₤0.49               -               ₤0.50 7.50% | 10.80%
₤0.50               -               ₤0.51 7.70% | 11.40%
₤0.51               -               ₤0.52 7.90% | 11.90%
₤0.52               -               ₤0.53 8.20% | 12.40%
₤0.53               -               ₤0.54 8.40% | 13.00%
₤0.54               -               ₤0.55 8.60% | 13.50%
₤0.55               -               ₤0.56 8.80% | 14.00%
₤0.56               -               ₤0.57 9.10% | 14.60%
₤0.57               -               ₤0.58 9.30% | 15.10%
₤0.58               -               ₤0.59 9.50% | 15.60%
₤0.59               -               ₤0.60 9.70% | 16.10%
₤0.60               -               ₤0.61 10.00% | 16.70%
₤0.61               -               ₤0.62 10.20% | 17.20%
₤0.62               -               ₤0.63 10.40% | 17.70%
₤0.63               -               ₤0.64 10.60% | 18.30%
₤0.64               -               ₤0.65 10.90% | 18.80%
₤0.65               -               ₤0.66 11.10% | 19.30%
₤0.66               -               ₤0.67 11.30% | 19.90%
₤0.67               -               ₤0.68 11.50% | 20.40%
₤0.68               -               ₤0.69 11.80% | 20.90%
₤0.69               -               ₤0.70 12.00% | 21.50%
₤0.70               -               ₤0.71 12.20% | 22.00%
₤0.71               -               ₤0.72 12.40% | 22.50%
₤0.72               -               ₤0.73 12.70% | 23.00%
₤0.73               -               ₤0.74 12.90% | 23.60%
₤0.74               -               ₤0.75 13.10% | 24.10%
₤0.75               -               ₤0.76 13.30% | 24.60%
₤0.76               -               ₤0.77 13.60% | 25.20%
₤0.77               -               ₤0.78 13.80% | 25.70%
₤0.78               -               ₤0.79 14.00% | 26.20%
₤0.79               -               ₤0.80 14.30% | 26.80%
₤0.80               -               ₤0.81 14.50% | 27.30%
₤0.81               -               ₤0.82 14.70% | 27.80%
₤0.82               -               ₤0.83 14.90% | 28.40%
₤0.83               -               ₤0.84 15.20% | 28.90%
₤0.84               -               ₤0.85 15.40% | 29.40%
₤0.85               -               ₤0.86 15.60% | 29.90%
₤0.86               -               ₤0.87 15.80% | 30.50%
₤0.87               -               ₤0.88 16.10% | 31.00%
₤0.88               -               ₤0.89 16.30% | 31.50%
₤0.89               -               ₤0.90 16.50% | 32.10%
₤0.90               -               ₤0.91 16.70% | 32.60%
₤0.91               -               ₤0.92 17.00% | 33.10%
₤0.92               -               ₤0.93 17.20% | 33.70%
₤0.93               -               ₤0.94 17.40% | 34.20%
₤0.94               -               ₤0.95 17.60% | 34.70%
₤0.95               -               ₤0.96 17.90% | 35.30%
₤0.96               -               ₤0.97 18.10% | 35.80%
₤0.97               -               ₤0.98 18.30% | 36.30%
₤0.98               -               ₤0.99 18.50% | 36.80%
₤0.99               -               ₤1.00 18.80% | 37.40%
₤1.00               -               ₤1.01 19.00% | 37.90%
₤1.01               -               ₤1.02 19.20% | 38.40%
₤1.02               -               ₤1.03 19.40% | 39.00%
₤1.03               -               ₤1.04 19.70% | 39.50%
₤1.04               -               ₤1.05 19.90% | 40.00%
₤1.05               -               ₤1.06 20.10% | 40.60%
₤1.06               -               ₤1.07 20.30% | 41.10%
₤1.07               -               ₤1.08 20.60% | 41.60%
₤1.08               -               ₤1.09 20.80% | 42.20%
₤1.09               -               ₤1.10 21.00% | 42.70%
₤1.10               -               ₤1.11 21.20% | 43.20%
₤1.11               -               ₤1.12 21.50% | 43.70%
₤1.12               -               ₤1.13 21.70% | 44.30%
₤1.13               -               ₤1.14 21.90% | 44.80%
₤1.14               -               ₤1.15 22.10% | 45.30%
₤1.15               -               ₤1.16 22.40% | 45.90%
₤1.16               -               ₤1.17 22.60% | 46.40%
₤1.17               -               ₤1.18 22.80% | 46.90%
₤1.18               -               ₤1.19 23.10% | 47.50%
₤1.19               -               ₤1.20 23.30% | 48.00%
₤1.20               -               ₤1.21 23.50% | 48.50%
₤1.21               -               ₤1.22 23.70% | 49.10%
₤1.22               -               ₤1.23 24.00% | 49.60%
₤1.23               -               ₤1.24 24.20% | 50.10%
₤1.24               -               ₤1.25 24.40% | 50.60%
₤1.25               -               ₤1.26 24.60% | 51.20%
₤1.26               -               ₤1.27 24.90% | 51.70%
₤1.27               -               ₤1.28 25.10% | 52.20%
₤1.28               -               ₤1.29 25.30% | 52.80%
₤1.29               -               ₤1.30 25.50% | 53.30%
₤1.30               -               ₤1.31 25.80% | 53.80%
₤1.31               -               ₤1.32 26.00% | 54.40%
₤1.32               -               ₤1.33 26.20% | 54.90%
₤1.33               -               ₤1.34 26.40% | 55.40%
₤1.34               -               ₤1.35 26.70% | 56.00%
₤1.35               -               ₤1.36 26.90% | 56.50%
₤1.36               -               ₤1.37 27.10% | 57.00%
₤1.37               -               ₤1.38 27.30% | 57.50%
₤1.38               -               ₤1.39 27.60% | 58.10%
₤1.39               -               ₤1.40 27.80% | 58.60%
₤1.40               -               ₤1.41 28.00% | 59.10%
₤1.41               -               ₤1.42 28.20% | 59.70%
₤1.42               -               ₤1.43 28.50% | 60.20%
₤1.43               -               ₤1.44 28.70% | 60.70%
₤1.44               -               ₤1.45 28.90% | 61.30%
₤1.45               -               ₤1.46 29.10% | 61.80%
₤1.46               -               ₤1.47 29.40% | 62.30%
₤1.47               -               ₤1.48 29.60% | 62.90%
₤1.48               -               ₤1.49 29.80% | 63.40%
₤1.49               -               ₤1.50 30.00% | 63.90%
₤1.50               -               ₤1.51 30.30% | 64.40%
₤1.51               -               ₤1.52 30.50% | 65.00%
₤1.52               -               ₤1.53 30.70% | 65.50%
₤1.53               -               ₤1.54 30.90% | 66.00%
₤1.54               -               ₤1.55 31.20% | 66.60%
₤1.55               -               ₤1.56 31.40% | 67.10%
₤1.56               -               ₤1.57 31.60% | 67.60%
₤1.57               -               ₤1.58 31.90% | 68.20%
₤1.58               -               ₤1.59 32.10% | 68.70%
₤1.59               -               ₤1.60 32.30% | 69.20%
₤1.60               -               ₤1.61 32.50% | 69.80%
₤1.61               -               ₤1.62 32.80% | 70.30%
₤1.62               -               ₤1.63 33.00% | 70.80%
₤1.63               -               ₤1.64 33.20% | 71.30%
₤1.64               -               ₤1.65 33.40% | 71.90%
₤1.65               -               ₤1.66 33.70% | 72.40%
₤1.66               -               ₤1.67 33.90% | 72.90%
₤1.67               -               ₤1.68 34.10% | 73.50%
₤1.68               -               ₤1.69 34.30% | 74.00%
₤1.69               -               ₤1.70 34.60% | 74.50%
₤1.70               -               ₤1.71 34.80% | 75.10%
₤1.71               -               ₤1.72 35.00% | 75.60%
₤1.72               -               ₤1.73 35.20% | 76.10%
₤1.73               -               ₤1.74 35.50% | 76.70%
₤1.74               -               ₤1.75 35.70% | 77.20%
₤1.75               -               ₤1.76 35.90% | 77.70%
₤1.76               -               ₤1.77 36.10% | 78.20%
₤1.77               -               ₤1.78 36.40% | 78.80%
₤1.78               -               ₤1.79 36.60% | 79.30%
₤1.79               -               ₤1.80 36.80% | 79.80%
₤1.80               -               ₤1.81 37.00% | 80.40%
₤1.81               -               ₤1.82 37.30% | 80.90%
₤1.82               -               ₤1.83 37.50% | 81.40%
₤1.83               -               ₤1.84 37.70% | 82.00%
₤1.84               -               ₤1.85 37.90% | 82.50%
₤1.85               -               ₤1.86 38.20% | 83.00%
₤1.86               -               ₤1.87 38.40% | 83.60%
₤1.87               -               ₤1.88 38.60% | 84.10%
₤1.88               -               ₤1.89 38.80% | 84.60%
₤1.89               -               ₤1.90 39.10% | 85.10%
₤1.90               -               ₤1.91 39.30% | 85.70%
₤1.91               -               ₤1.92 39.50% | 86.20%
₤1.92               -               ₤1.93 39.70% | 86.70%
₤1.93               -               ₤1.94 40.00% | 87.30%
₤1.94               -               ₤1.95 40.20% | 87.80%
₤1.95               -               ₤1.96 40.40% | 88.30%
₤1.96               -               ₤1.97 40.70% | 88.90%
₤1.97               -               ₤1.98 40.90% | 89.40%
₤1.98               -               ₤1.99 41.10% | 89.90%
₤1.99               -               ₤2.00 41.30% | 90.50%
₤2.00               -               ₤2.01 41.50% | 90.90%
₤2.01               -               ₤2.02 41.80% | 91.50%
₤2.02               -               ₤2.03 42.00% | 92.10%
₤2.03               -               ₤2.04 42.20% | 92.60%
₤2.04               -               ₤2.05 42.50% | 93.20%
₤2.05               -               ₤2.06 42.70% | 93.60%
₤2.06               -               ₤2.07 42.90% | 94.20%
₤2.07               -               ₤2.08 43.10% | 94.60%
₤2.08               -               ₤2.09 43.40% | 95.30%
₤2.09               -               ₤2.10 43.50% | 95.70%
₤2.10               -               ₤2.11 43.80% | 96.30%
₤2.11               -               ₤2.12 44.10% | 96.90%
₤2.12               -               ₤2.13 44.20% | 97.30%
₤2.13               -               ₤2.14 44.50% | 97.90%
₤2.14               -               ₤2.15 44.70% | 98.40%